Other National Contact Information
If you believe you have you encountered misinformation or disinformation, voter intimidation, or voter fraud please use the contact information below in addition to reporting it your state or local election office. Directories for state and local election offices are available at eac.gov/vote.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Justice
- The DOJ Civil Rights Division is available receive complaints from the public related to possible violations of the federal voting rights laws by a complaint form on the department’s website https://civilrights.justice.gov/ or by telephone toll-free at 800-253-3931.
- Individuals with questions or complaints related to the ADA may call the department’s toll-free ADA information line at 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 (TDD), or submit a complaint through a link on the department’s ADA website, at https://www.ada.gov/.
- Complaints related to violence, threats of violence, or intimidation at a polling place should always be reported immediately to local authorities by calling 911. They should also be reported to the department after local authorities are contacted.
Center for Internet Security
Please report mis/dis-information to: [email protected]