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Select a link below to jump to one of the following arrangements of Here We Come A-Wassailing:
Piano • Wind and brass instruments • String instruments • Recorder • Lyrics • Lead sheet with chords
Wassail is the name of a hot cider drink that is prepared during the holidays, but the term has other meanings, too: wassailing is the practice of going from door to door at Christmas and singing carols. It is a tradition that dates back several centuries in England, and it was a favorite activity of the American colonists, too. This song is also known by the title Here We Come A-Caroling, or just The Wassail Song. The composer of the carol is unknown, but it was probably written in the mid-nineteenth century.
Select the song image below for a printable PDF of Here We Come A-Wassailing, or scroll down for links to many more arrangements in seven different keys in treble, bass, and alto clefs. There are also woodwind and brass arrangements of the carol in the key of concert B flat, and string arrangements in the key of D. You can also view and print the lyrics to Here We Come A-Wassailing.
New! - Here We Come A-Wassailing piano accompaniment parts are now available to accompany all instruments and singers, in free, printable PDF format.
For a countdown to Christmas, visit the How Many Days Until Christmas page. The Two Happy Bears are excited about the holiday and are eagerly counting every second!
You can also practice all of your Christmas music with a sleigh bell metronome!
Tap the image of the sheet music for a full-size PDF of Here We Come A-Wassailing.
Play-Along arrangements of Here We Come A-Wassailing. These pages have versions of the carol for band and string instruments for you to play with other musicians:
More keys! Select a link below for a printable PDF of Here We Come A-Wassailing in any of the following keys, for treble, bass, and alto clef.
Fluffy and Ivy, sing Here We Come A-Wassailing
Visit the Two Happy Bears
Christmas music for selected instruments
Select an image below to view and print Christmas songs written for each instrument.
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Table of Contents for the Christmas Song Lead Sheets:
More Music and Educational Materials by Kyle Coughlin:
Learn about rhythm and improve your skills: Rhythm-In-Music.com
Free online metronomes that speak the beat: MusicAllTheTime.com
Free blank sheet music paper: Music-Paper.com
Clarinet fingering charts and instruction: TheClarinet.net
Kyle Coughlin’s Publications: SkyLeapMusic.com
© 2012-2024 by Kyle Coughlin