Patriot 2022 Whole Life Insurance

Two women enjoying a walk on the street

Lafayette Life’s Patriot 2022 Whole Life Policy is designed for people who are looking for early cash values and limited payments with a need for permanent death benefit protection. You pay level premiums until age 75 or 30 years, whichever is longer, with the death benefit guaranteed for your lifetime.

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Benefits of Patriot 2022 Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance offers a combination of guaranteed death benefit protection, guaranteed cash value accumulation and guaranteed level premiums. Our Patriot 2022 Whole Life Insurance policy comes with many benefits and features:

Guaranteed Fixed Premiums
The premium you pay today will be the same premium you pay in later years. Guaranteed Lifetime Coverage

As long as premiums are paid and policy loans do not exceed the total cash value, your coverage cannot be terminated. 1

Tax-Deferred Cash Value Accumulation

Your policy is designed to build cash value each year on a tax-deferred 2 basis. Your cash value can be accessed through policy loans and withdrawals to help fund a major purchase, supplement your retirement income or simply provide in times of need.

Policy Dividends
Your Patriot 2022 policy may earn a dividend. 3 Living Benefits

Provided at no additional premium, flexibility to access a portion of the death benefit should you be faced with a specified medical condition, terminal illness or a chronic illness. 4,5

Whole Life Insurance Tailored to Fit Your Needs

Your Patriot 2022 Whole Life Insurance policy can be tailored to meet your specific financial needs by several supplemental riders that can be added to your policy to help address your individual needs. You could have the option to increase the death benefit and cash value by paying an additional premium or options for the receipt of any dividends declared. Keep in mind that adding a rider to your policy may require additional premium.

Patriot 2022

What You Need to Know About Patriot 2022 Whole Life Insurance

Explore our product brochure to understand all the features of Patriot 2022 Whole Life Insurance.

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1 Subject to the terms of the policy, including payment of the required premiums,suicide exclusion,contestable provision and loan provision.
2 Assumes the policy is not a Modified Endowment Contract, the withdrawals do not exceed cost basis, and the policy does not lapse.
3 Dividends are not guaranteed and may be changed by the company at any time.
4 Rider provisions, availability, definitions and benefits may vary by state.
5 Provided through the Accelerated Death Benefit PLUS Rider (ICC16 LLR-08 1601). Certain medical histories may prevent qualification for the Accelerated Death Benefit PLUS Rider. Insureds who do not qualify for this rider will receive the Accelerated Death Benefit Rider (ICC16 LLR-07 1601). Payment of Accelerated Death Benefits, if not repaid, will reduce the Death Benefit and affect the other policy values.

Life insurance policy guarantees are subject to the timely payment of premiums. Loans, withdrawals and advances will reduce the death benefit and cash surrender value and may cause the policy to lapse. The lapse or surrender of a policy with an outstanding loan may result in taxable income.

Life insurance products are issued and guaranteed by the Lafayette Life Insurance Company. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the company.

Patriot 2022 Whole Life Insurance Policy series ICC21 LL-01 2104, Accelerated Death Benefit rider series ICC16 LLR-07 1601 and ICC16 LLR-08 1601 are issued by The Lafayette Life Insurance Company. Chronic Illness underwriting guidelines will be used to determine eligibility for our various Accelerated Death Benefit Riders. Product approval and rider features and benefits may vary and may not be available in all states. The Lafayette Life Insurance Company does not provide legal or tax advice. Please contact your tax or legal advisor regarding your situation.

Life insurance is not intended to be used as a savings product, retirement plan, or investment vehicle. Lafayette Life’s role is strictly limited to providing life insurance policies and annuity contracts. Any other services a Lafayette Life independent agent provides to applicants and policyholders, including but not limited to financial planning, estate and retirement planning, tax planning, or investment planning, are not provided on behalf of Lafayette Life.

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Friday | 8:15 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. ET
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Become a Financial Representative A.M. Best Company 1 Very Strong Standard & Poor's 2
Very Strong out of 100 Comdex Ranking 4 A.M. Best Company 1 Very Strong Standard & Poor's 2
Very Strong out of 100 Comdex Ranking 4 400 Broadway, Cincinnati, OH 45202-3341 800-243-6631

© 2018-2024 Western & Southern Financial Group, Inc.

WS20181005140459 • Last Updated 4/23/2024

Life insurance and annuity products are not bank products, are not a deposit, are not insured by the FDIC, nor any other federal entity, have no bank guarantee, and may lose value.

The Lafayette Life Insurance Company (NAIC code 65242) is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a member of the Western & Southern Financial Group. The company is domiciled in Ohio and operates in D.C. and all states except New York.

This site is intended to provide a general overview of our products and services. Please review each product's guide for full product details and talk with your financial representative about which options may best fit your needs.

1 Superior ability to meet ongoing insurance obligations (second highest of 13 ratings; rating held since June 2009)
2 Very strong financial security characteristics (fourth highest of 21 ratings; rating held since August 2018)
3 Very strong capacity to meet policyholder and contract obligations on a timely basis (third highest of 21 ratings; rating held since June 2009)
4 The Comdex Ranking is a composite of all the ratings a company has received from the major rating agencies. It ranks insurers on a scale of 1 to 100 (where 1 is the lowest) in an effort to reduce confusion over ratings because each rating agency uses a different scale.

Financial strength ratings apply to the individual member insurance companies affiliated with Western & Southern. This may contain information obtained from third-parties, including ratings from credit ratings agencies such as Standard & Poor’s. Reproduction and distribution of third-party content in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of the related third-party. Third-party content providers do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any information, including ratings, and are not responsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause, or for the results obtained from the use of such content. THIRD-PARTY CONTENT PROVIDERS GIVE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. THIRD-PARTY CONTENT PROVIDERS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, COMPENSATORY, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, COSTS, EXPENSES, LEGAL FEES OR LOSSES (INCLUDING LOST INCOME OR PROFITS AND OPPORTUNITY COSTS OR LOSSES CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE) IN CONNECTION WITH ANY USE OF THEIR CONTENT, INCLUDING RATINGS. Credit ratings are statements of opinions and are not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold or sell securities. They do not address the suitability of securities or the suitability of securities for investment purposes, and should not be relied on as investment advice. Ratings are subject to change from time to time. The ratings shown here are correct as of January 2023.