Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80 manual

Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80

View the manual for the Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80 here, for free. This manual comes under the category washing machines and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.2. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80 or do you need help? Ask your question here

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Number of questions: 2 Joanna 4 May 2023

Hi, I have the Candy CS 149TE/1-80 Smart 9kg washubg machine, ordered from Littlewoods and for less than a year and the below pictures show that 2 of the 3 brackets inside the drum have fallen out during my wash, can you please advise what I need to do?

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Olivia of i 19 December 2023

If the brackets inside the drum of your Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80 washing machine have fallen out, you can follow these steps: 1. Remove the transportation screws: On the back of the washing machine, remove the 2 or 4 transportation screws (A) and the accompanying flat washers, rubber bungs, and plastic spacer tubes (B). If the washing machine is built-in, unscrew the 3 or 4 transportation screws and remove the flat washers, rubber bungs, and plastic spacer tubes. 2. Recover any fallen spacer tubes: During the removal of the screws, spacer tubes may fall inside the machine. Tilt the machine forward and recover them from the floor or inside the base of the machine. 3. Cover the transportation screw holes: Use the plastic caps included in the instruction bag to cover the open transportation screw holes.

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Post answer Steve25 July 2023

Where is the lint filter on washer dryer Candy CBD495D1WBBE-80

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Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80.

The Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80 is a washing machine that offers a rated capacity of 9 kg for washing and 5 kg for washing and drying. It operates at a maximum spin speed of 1400 RPM, allowing for efficient water extraction from laundry. The drum of this machine is made of stainless steel, ensuring durability and resistance to wear and tear. For easy installation and use in the United Kingdom, the power plug type is Type G. This washing machine holds the certification of Woolmark, indicating its suitability for washing wool garments without causing damage. Moreover, it features a delayed start timer, allowing users to schedule the machine to operate at a later time. In terms of energy efficiency, this washing machine is classified as class C for washing and class E for washing and drying. Its spin-drying class is B, indicating effective water extraction during the drying cycle. The energy consumption per 100 cycles of washing is 66 kWh, providing an estimate of the long-term energy usage of the machine. Overall, the Candy CBD495D1WE/1-80 washing machine offers a sizable washing and drying capacity, a high maximum spin speed, and a durable stainless steel drum. With its Woolmark certification, users can trust that it is gentle on wool garments. The machine's energy efficiency ratings and energy consumption per 100 cycles provide information on its performance in terms of energy usage.