If you are planning on sending a parcel or package to Australia, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with Australian address formats, so that your delivery arrives at its destination without any problems.
Below is an example of an Australian address:
Southern Travel Co,
Travel World House,
Level 7,
Australian address formats are similar to American addresses, with the city name, state and postal code all appearing on one line.
1) Underneath the name of the business/person, comes the street address. If the delivery destination is an apartment, then the apartment number appears before the street number, with the number separated with a dash. (eg: 91/17 Jones St)
2) After the street address, the city, state and postal code should all appear together on one line. Similar to the US, the names of the states or abbreviated. Listed below are Australian state abbreviations:
3) The country name: Australia should be added on the last line and it should be in block capitals.
The address format for sending a parcel, package or letter to an Australian Post Box is nearly identical to a normal address, with the exception that the PO Box number needs to be included, as in the example below:
Mrs Jones
PO Box 99